Five years after Jurassic World Dominion, an expedition ventures into remote equatorial regions to collect DNA from three enormous prehistoric creatures in hopes of achieving a revolutionary medical breakthrough. new movie 2025 release date
2. How to Train Your Dragon
On the isle of Berk, an ancient threat puts both Vikings and dragons in jeopardy. The bond between Hiccup, a creative Viking, and Toothless, a Night Fury dragon, becomes crucial in uniting both species for a shared future. new movie 2025 release date
3. Avatar 3: Fire and Ash
*Avatar 3: Fire and Ash* is set to transport audiences back to Pandora on December 19, 2025. This eagerly awaited sequel continues James Cameron’s epic Sci-Fi saga, arriving with a much shorter wait than the 13-year gap between the first two films. new movie 2025 release date
Predator: Badlands will have its nationwide release on Friday, November 7, 2025. It will be sharing the big screen with two other films that day: The Running Man and Bugonia. new movie 2025 release date.